Celebrity Stalking


Ok so this photo isn’t going to do anything to help prove my opinion – but I’m pretty sure the guy in the Green Toque is Jared Padalecki. Since the hat and eyebrow combo probably doesn’t really help with familiarization, Jared is known best probably for his work on Supernatural, but I remember him fondly from his Gilmore Girls days and the stellar showing in House of Wax (remember the terrible Horror with Paris Hilton?).

Anyway, will spend the next 22 hours (unless he gets off in Vancouver) trying to collect more/better photographic evidence.

Side Note, the girl on the right who’s feet you can see? Ya she boarded in BEJEWELED Uggs, and then switched into these little numbers. Good lord.

Ok just as I was about to post he stood up. Am I right or am I right?

Regardless, he’s hot, this makes Nancy happy.



Filed under Pictures Tell a Thousand Words

70 responses to “Celebrity Stalking

  1. Penny Stallan

    Stalking in your pod! Cute!

  2. Sarah

    That’s some good stalking there! He will be getting off in Vancouver, filming starts again tomorrow. Can I ask where you are flying from? Is there anyone with him?

    • Spot on – he bailed in Vancouver. He was with a lady friend, though I didn’t spot anything more than general familiarity – and he waited for her as he got off the plane first.

      Was flying from Toronto!

  3. Jayne

    Yikes 22 hours in a plane? Not fun. Where are you coming from/going to that’s taking so long? At least you’ve got some nice scenery to look at on your flight because that definitely is Jared Padalecki. I think his show starts filming again this week in Vancouver so that’s probably where he’s headed.

    • Toronto – Sydney, definitely a long haul! Unfortunately Jared was only around for the first 5 hours 😦

      • Sally

        I know what it’s like to spend 22 hours on a plane and it’s hell 😦 I’m dreading my next flight of that length but I’ve never had Jared to look at for 5 hours lol so you’re lucky πŸ™‚ Plus it looks like you were in first or business class, that has to be much better than cattle class.

        Awesome job on spotting him, poor guy it sucks having to go back to work but yay to more Supernatural πŸ˜‰

      • Ya, I was in Biz Class so I don’t have a lot of right to complain – but it still sucks to be trapped somewhere for that long πŸ™‚

  4. @jarpad spotted on a plane, headed back to Vancouver! *thud*

  5. JAM

    Ha, he’s so cute! Where were you flying from/to?

    • Cute doesn’t really cover it πŸ˜‰ And he was unbelievably gracious with the staff on board, which makes him even more attractive.

      From Toronto to Sydney with a stop in Vancouver.

  6. sarah

    YAY! Jared… are you going to say ” hi” or just secretly stalk him ?

    • Just secretly stalked πŸ™‚ Although he got off the plane two people ahead of me and stopped to wait for his friend, so I flashed a grin.. thankfully I was out of sight by the time the blushing appeared!

  7. Tina Sparkle

    So lucky and he does look so hot. Thanks for sharing, but did you get to talk to him? Either way thanks again.

    • Nope, no talking 😦 I was 1. Not 100% sure it was him (most of my memories of him are from back in his Gilmore Girls days) and 2. Don’t think I’d ever approach a celebrity, I’d be too spazzy.

  8. Raffaella

    yes, you’re right !he is Jared Padalecki
    But the flight from where it started? and where is it headed?
    Thanks for sharing!!!

  9. I’ve never seen “pods” like this on a plane. Are you flying first class? He is beautiful, btw!

    • “Executive First” – Its Air Canada’s way of saying Business Class (they don’t really have a first). Traveling for work, couldn’t afford to fly in style on my own dime!

  10. Jane

    Just wondering if Jared Padalecki got off the plane with anyone. A guy maybe, shorter but not short, very good looking. Jensen Ackles maybe, if you know him?

    • Nope – not a dude, he was with a pretty girl, sort of shortish with dark dark long brown hair. They were definitely travelling together but I didn’t see anything either than conversation between the two.

  11. Larka

    That’s so cool =D

  12. gabb

    omggg!! what airline is that? where were you guys flyng to??

  13. Stephanie

    Yup! thats him! What kind of plane had seating like that? Awesome!

  14. Dawn

    Question: did the girl with the bejeweled Uggs have long brown hair, pregnant? If so, that would be his wife. Just curious.

    P.S. Love Air Canada … I knew it was them as soon as I saw the pods:)

    • Ahh. no, the Bejewelled Uggs girl was definitely not traveling with him (and was bordering on anorexic) – but I think it must have been his wife traveling with him then, sitting (sorta) next to him. The seats are weird, so even though they were technically next to each other she was actually in the other aisle, so I saw her face, hair etc. but didn’t notice she was preggers!

  15. Hilarie

    Where was your flight to and from?

  16. It’s not stalking! It’s people watching! πŸ™‚

  17. casammy

    ohhhh my love jared ❀

  18. saltnburnem

    Good job!! You’ve got the right guy!!

  19. Oh you lucky lucky girl! Jealous! XD

  20. Nicole

    Ok so that’s what first class looks like. Hmmmmm

  21. Lina

    22 hours? Where are you flying from?

  22. Emma

    This is so cool you were flying with Jared! I have to ask though, since his wife is pregnant, you really couldn’t tell? Did she get up at all during the flight? She’s 7 months! Glad you made it to your destination safely and get get lucky like this again sometime πŸ™‚

    • I thought it was pretty cool too πŸ™‚

      To be fair, his wife was in the other aisle, and appeared to be fairly short. Since the ‘pods’ are fairly tall (and I was really only paying attention to Jared) I only noticed that she was a pretty brunette – couldn’t see her belly at all πŸ™‚ Even if she got up, she was still in the other aisle (and again.. not paying attention), so I definitely didn’t register anything. Lucky for them, that will be a cute kid I’m sure!

  23. shell

    love this, and love that you have answered every question (the same one over and over, poor you) so graciously. i just want to add that you are very lucky to have seen this…hes adorable, even tho i prefer his bff jensen ackles. both too gorg for words. and you are a doll for being so sweet and patient! thanks for posting! =}

  24. Elm

    Wait. So the person with the slippers was an anorexic-looking chick wearing bejeweled ugs? Lmao! I thought it was some… Old dude. Like some old rich guy. Wow!

    • Haha.. yup, it was a chick. She was technically very pretty as well – but looked like she’d had a TON of work done and maybe isn’t much older than me (so around 30). Due to her weight, she looked like she had a giant bobble head.

      .. and bejewelled Uggs.. REALLY?

  25. It was likely his wife Gen anyway, she’s got to be about 7 months on now, but a beauty like her would never get too big, seems they are clever at covering it up when they want to. You did say long dark hair and very attractive, sounds just like her. Lucky you!!!

    • I’m betting its more a case of me not paying attention then them trying to cover it up πŸ™‚ They got on the plane a few minutes before the doors were shut (sounded like they were catching a very close connection) and from there on in I really only paid attention to Jared πŸ™‚ Plus, she was in the other aisle and I really couldn’t see her πŸ™‚

  26. NBG

    Hi! A have one question: are you sure that this girl was Jared’s wife? Cuz some ppl think that it could be his make-up artist. His wife and that woman have the same look.
    Can you look some pictures to make us sure, please?
    It’s Gen, Jared’s wife:

    • Honestly, I looked at her for 30 seconds. I can’t put any weight behind who it was, sorry!

      Also.. he has a MAKEUP ARTIST? Just got a little less attractive to me, not going to lie!

      • LOL. Every production has make-up artists. Jared doesn’t have anyone following him around to put his make-up on outside of work. It’s ok to still find him attractive, he’s not a diva, haha.

        Thanks a lot for the gorgeous pic and all the comments!!

      • Haha ok, thanks! I knew that productions would of make up artists but I was worried about him traveling with one πŸ™‚

        Thanks for reading!

    • Dawn

      It had to be Gen that was with him in the other aisle. They had just spent New Years in NYC. She goes with him everywhere, so back to Vancouver sounds about right. He wouldn’t be travelling with his make-up artist when he is just returning from a vacation hiatus. So, def Gen πŸ™‚ Also, he started back to work today on Supernatural. So, hope that helps you out. I wasn’t there but 100% sure the brunette in the other aisle was Gen.

  27. Dawn

    Thanks Nancy for posting your Jared spotting πŸ™‚ I hope your flight all the way to Sydney was a good one … long…long… flight, whew! Thanks again!

  28. Thanks for posting I loved him on GG’s & yes you must start watching Supernatural best show on TV right now. Met Jared last October in Toronto. He is really nice adorable drop dead gorgeous and easy to talk to. Curious where did he bored the flight?

    • I will try to check it out once I’m back at home!

      He boarded in Toronto – in a rush from another connection (based on what he was saying to the flight attendants), I’m guessing NYC!

  29. Who is this?
    I have never heard of him!

    • Haha.. not surprising. Did you ever watch Gilmore Girls when you were younger? I know you’ve never been a huge TV person. Anywho, he was Rory’s boyfriend in the earlier seaons – ie before her totally not as attractive and rather arrogant looking College BF.

      I honestly didn’t know his name, I just knew I recognized him and took to Google and IMBD to fill in the blanks πŸ™‚

  30. Oh wow. I am so jealous. I love him! I saw him once in Sydney, he was with Jensen Ackles and they both looked amazing! I lived in Vancouver for a year and didn’t see him once! Good spotting!

    • Go figure eh? You never see people where you expect to! Rachel McAdams lives in Toronto and I swear everyone I know has seen her, because she really hangs out in the city alot at normal bars/restaurants/grocery stores – but I’ve never seen her!

  31. Pingback: Happy Belated Birthday Nancy! | nancyfrancis

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